Bruno Aleixo is a Portuguese animated character that gained popularity between 2010 and 2012. Created by the collective GANA (Guionistas e Argumentistas Não-Alinhados (Non-aligned Scriptwriters and Screenwriters)), Bruno Aleixo was featured in a series of programs titled ''The Aleixo Show''. Originally envisioned as an ambiguous mix of a bear and a dog, Aleixo's appearance was soon changed due to his resemblance to the copyrighted Ewok characters of the ''Star Wars'' franchise. Although created in Coimbra, Aleixo is presented as having Brazilian heritage. Aleixo became popular through a series of internet videos titled "Os Conselhos Que Vos Deixo" (Advice that I Leave You" ), and through an appearance with Nuno Markl in ''Os Incorrigíveis'' (Incorrigibles'' ). ==''The Aleixo Show''== Starting on November 9, 2008, Bruno Aleixo starred in his own program on Portuguese television channel SIC Radical where he presented (alongside a bust of Napoleon called, simply, "Busto" ()) various skits which formed, according to him, a talk show. The first season consisted of seven episodes, six regular episodes plus a New Year special. In June 2009, the program returned in repeats on SIC Radical, and a teaser for a spin-off called "Aleixo the Tourist" set to be aired in 2010 was released on the internet. A second season premiered in November 2012, also consisting of seven episodes. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Bruno Aleixo」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク